take the quiz:
How confident are you really?
it’s time to hand you the mic

Your not-so-secret weapon to becoming the most confident and well-known person in the room

I’m Lynn Smith, a former Morning News Anchor with 15+ years of experience ​on the TODAY Show, NBC News, MSNBC, and CNN Headline News.

I left my cushy anchor job to help YOU conquer your fear of failure...

Or as I like to call it, your Brain Bully™  (you know, that little version of you that sits on your shoulder that fills you with self doubt) – so you can finally take your place in the spotlight!

Whether that’s the actual spotlight on stage as a keynote speaker, in the media, leading a boardroom meeting, or just sharing your expertise on Zoom...

I’m here to help you get comfortable in the spotlight.

The greenroom

“Lynn has helped me polish my presentation and message for maximum impact – impact that’s getting me noticed more and more!”

Danny Karon
Attorney, Founder at Your Lovable Lawyer

Meet my Brain Bully™... (AKA the secret limiting thoughts of a “polished” news anchor)


I was told I’d never make it on TV because I was terrible on camera


I froze on stage when I had to deliver a keynote and couldn’t get a word out


I was terrified I’d sink my family when I started my own business

i had a choice —

listen to that bully or give it the bird...

Somebody special inspired me to turn my failure into my fuel...

After my grandparents fled Ukraine in the 40s, my father’s guidance counselor told him he wasn't smart enough to go to college. He could have listened to his Brain Bully™ and given up but he didn’t.

Instead, he got two masters degrees at MIT and a doctorate at Cornell. He eventually went on to bring clean coal tech to the US and became the Asst Sec of Dept of Energy. Yep, he made ALL of that impact because he didn’t listen to the Brain Bully™.

His story has become my North Star and whenever I’m faced with one of these make or break moments I think about my father and how I too can turn my fear into my fuel.

Now I want to help you do the same...

3 “fear to fuel” moments to inspire you

Two years after I was told I’d never make it on TV, I was anchoring in the top market in the world, New York City, and went onto a 15-year career as a news anchor for NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Headline News

After I froze on that stage, I used that experience to develop my Unstoppable You Method and went on to teach leaders of billion-dollar companies how to overcome their fear of public speaking

I left my cushy anchor job to start my own business even though I was terrified of the uncertainty and had no idea how to use an Excel worksheet! (The best decision EVER made).

The greenroom

"Lynn is the real deal. She is so authentic and honest as well as being the ultimate coach."

"She spends time learning your strengths and opportunities for growth. But more importantly, Lynn has instilled a sense of belief in me that makes me want to show up in my true and authentic form each and every time I sit for a media interview. If you are looking for a “paint by the numbers” type of coach, then Lynn is not it. But if you are looking for a coach that will help you to discover your authentic voice, while making you better and stronger in the process, then Lynn is the best in the game!"

Jason Greer

There’s another reason why I left the world of national TV news...

I loved being on TV, but secretly, over time, I dreamt of  leaving the negative stories behind to help others make a positive change in the world, instead.

Which is why in ALL my programs, you’ll learn how to speak in your true authenticity and embrace your individuality. I want to help you bring more of YOUR magic to the world  — whether it’s in media interviews, in the boardroom, or on a Zoom call.

Seeing you, positively charged with unstoppable confidence and using your voice to create greater impact is what gets me jumping out of bed every morning at 5am (yep, that news anchor morning routine is hard to beat!)


Highlights from two decades in the media

When I’m not running my business, I’m running after my two young (energetic!) boys...

It’s true what they say — being a parent really is the hardest job in the world. It is — as I like to call it — a real strollercoaster!

To hear more about this side of my life: inspirational stories, innovative parenting tips, and tons of “Wow, I have been there” moments, have a listen to my podcast, "Strollercoaster", a parenting podcast brought to you by Munchkin the most loved baby brand in the world.

Listen to the podcast


5 top tips to always shine on camera

Everything I teach starts with being able to confidently and clearly convey your message. So whether you want to shine on Zoom or social media, don’t forget these 5 things...

  • tip #1

    Lights UP!

    You don't want to look like you’re calling people from your closet so find somewhere in your home that has a lot of natural light

  • tip #2

    Hold eye contact

    Making sure your camera lens is at the right angle is very important. You want it to be exactly at eye level, not higher or lower.

  • tip #3

    Look the part

    Pretend you’re going into the office. Choose a professional outfit and do your hair and make up.

  • tip #4

    Use props

    Curate your background using some low cost props — pick different colors, shapes and textures but make sure it’s not overwhelming.

  • tip #5

    Practice makes perfect!

    You can record yourself, or ask a friend to practice with you. Then go back and watch yourself and see where you need to improve.


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